3149 -- Economics, Testing, and Evaluation of an Exhaust Air Heat Pump for R-2000 (Tight) Houses Conference Proceeding by ASHRAE, 1988 J.W. Linton, P.E.
DA-88-21-4 -- Second Law Efficiency and Costing Analysis of a Total Energy Plant Conference Proceeding by ASHRAE, 1988 R.A. Gaggioli, Ph.D., P.E.; L. Wang; K.-X. Zhu; J.R. Too, Ph.D.
DA-88-21-3 -- The Use of Detailed Simulation for the Study of the Feasibility of Cogeneration at a University Campus Conference Proceeding by ASHRAE, 1988 G.R. Guinn, Ph.D.
DA-88-21-2 -- A Microcomputer Version of a Large Mainframe Program for Use in Cogeneration Analysis Conference Proceeding by ASHRAE, 1988 D.C. Pedreyra, P.E.
DA-88-21-1 -- Modeling Cogeneration with DOE-2.1C Systems Conference Proceeding by ASHRAE, 1988 J.H. Eto, P.E.; S.D. Gates, P.E.
DA-88-20-2 (RP-370) -- Transpiration Coefficients for Certain Fruits and Vegetables Conference Proceeding by ASHRAE, 1988 K.V. Chau, Ph.D., P.E.; R.A. Romero; C.D. Baird, Ph.D., P.E.; J.J. Gaffney, P.E.
DA-88-20-1 (RP-370) -- A Mathematical Model for the Transpiration from Fruits and Vegetables Conference Proceeding by ASHRAE, 1988 K.V. Chau, Ph.D., P.E;. J.J. Gaffney, P.E.; R.A. Romero
DA-88-19-4 -- Versatile Application-Specific Controllers for Hotel Guest Rooms Conference Proceeding by ASHRAE, 1988 S.A. Muxen; W.F. Chapman, P.E.
DA-88-19-3 -- Building a Control System from the Bottom Up Using Application-Specific Controllers Conference Proceeding by ASHRAE, 1988 J.R. Sosoka, P.E.; K.W. Peterson
DA-88-19-1 -- What Distributed Microcontrollers Bring to the Building Management System Conference Proceeding by ASHRAE, 1988 P.P. Payne
DA-88-05-1 -- Empirically Based Algorithms for Preliminary Prediction of Daylight Performance in Toplighted Atriums Conference Proceeding by ASHRAE, 1988 L.L. Boyer, Ph.D., P.E.; K.S. Kim, Ph.D.
DA-88-04-5 -- District Heating and Cooling with Heat Pumps Outside the United States Conference Proceeding by ASHRAE, 1988 J.M. Calm, P.E.