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IEC 61158-1:2014 specifies the generic concept of fieldbuses. It also presents an overview and guidance for the IEC 61158 series by:
- explaining the structure and content of the IEC 61158 series;
- relating the structure of the IEC 61158 series to the ISO/IEC 7498-1 OSI Basic Reference Model;
- showing the logical structure of the IEC 61784 series;
- showing how to use parts of the IEC 61158 series in combination with the IEC 61784 series;
- providing explanations of some aspects of the IEC 61158 series that are common to the type specific parts of the IEC 61158-5 including the application layer service description concepts and the generic fieldbus data types. This first edition cancels and replaces the third edition of IEC/TR 61158-1 published in 2010 and constitutes a technical revision. It includes the following changes:
- updates of the references to and information about the IEC 61158 series, IEC 61784-1, IEC 61784-3, IEC 61784-5 series and IEC 61918 throughout the document;
- new Type 23 for profile family 8;
- new Type 24 and the related profile family CPF 19;
- new Subclause 7.7 Communication profiles for wireless communication networks;
- new Clause 11 Fieldbus system requirements;
- new Annex B Media selection for fieldbus systems.